Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"The Police", here I come!!!!

Well this is it. The day has finally come. Tonight at 7:30 I will be watching the one of the greatest bands of all time play in front of my very eyes. Yes, you guessed it... THE POLICE. This experience will be as surreal as 'walking on the moon'. The 'voices inside my head' and everyone I know has been telling me how lucky I am. I know we are only 'spirits in a material world' but I felt like I needed this concert like you need 'every breath you take'. It will be filling such a 'hole in my life'. While waiting months for this concert I have felt like the 'king of pain' but God found my 'message in a bottle' and after tonight I will have 'synchronicity' in my footsteps. So I say this...'bring on the night', this night.
P.S. I couldn't think of a clever way to put Roxanne in a sentence in this context so I will just say it, ROXANNE is awesome.


Anonymous said...

Dude. Totally badical use of the song names in your blog.

David said...

THE POLICE ROCK AND/OR ROLL. I am so jealous that you got to see them!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.